The Spine & Joint Institute is a unique multi-specialty center on the campus of Redlands Community Hospital that is dedicated to providing world-class care to patients with spine, complex joint and other orthopedic disorders. Located in a special section in one of the hospital’s wings, SJI offers an environment and philosophy that sets it apart as a healing center.
Our program brings together a comprehensive team that uses clinical pathways and best practices to improve patient outcomes and speed recovery and mobility all within an environment that promotes healing of our patients and allows their loved ones to play a greater role in their successful treatment.
The teams at the Spine & Joint Institute embody an extraordinary collaboration of the areas leading orthopedic surgeons, a highly trained nursing staff and an experienced group of case managers and rehab team working to create a seamless continuum of orthopedic care. Their carefully coordinated efforts combine to restore and enhance the mobility of each individual and speed recovery times.
Our Care Team