Hospitalization can be a stressful event for family and visitors. The goal of health care providers is to offer support, guidance and compassion during crisis, reduce anxiety, and answer any questions regarding their concerns. Redlands Community Hospital Security staff is here to ensure patients and visitors have a safe stay.
In order to provide high quality, compassionate and safe care, we must be able to work together with you, in a professional and respectful manner. Also to help assure your safety and the safety of others the following behaviors will not be tolerated by patients or visitors:
Redlands Community Hospital is situated in a residential area while crime in our community is not high; we are not immune to isolated incidents of theft and vandalism. Please do not leave your vehicle unlocked, or leave items visible to those that may pass by. Security is available to escort you to your vehicle. Please call the operator by dialing 0 and request for a Security escort. We hope your stay in our hospital is as pleasant as possible.